Steve Finan

Steve Finan is a journalist of 40 years’ standing who has made the transition to author. He is a cobwebbed and dusty expert on newspaper and magazine archives and creates books, mainly drawing upon the extensive material in the DC Thomson archive. He also writes a weekly column in The Dundee Courier commenting on the use and abuse of the English language.

Lifted over the Turnstiles, Foreword by Chick Young.

This is the best memories book a football fan could hope for. And it is the best book about old Scottish football grounds ever published. Admittedly, it is also the only one. There are almost 200 photos of 42 football stadiums here that have lain unseen, in archives and rarely accessed collections, for decades. No other public buildings hold such emotional ties.

These are the places where your grandfather, father, uncles, brothers and friends exulted and cursed. This is where you remember them at their best, at their happiest. Every football fan reveres their home ground but has also travelled.

Perhaps it was the ‘away days’ that were the best of all. And all those scenes – of triumph and disaster, joy and despair – are here.

7.00pm, Sunday 6 October

Trinity Church


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