Play, Talk, Read Bus

The PlayTalkRead roadshow is all about giving you ideas for little things you can do with your wee one each day to spend time together having a bit of fun. Our vehicles are full of free activities you and your little ones can get involved in to play together. And it’s completely free to come along!

You’ll pick up easy and low costs ideas to try out at home that will make your life a little bit easier – and more fun for both of you.

We’re open for caregivers and children from 0 to 4. Come on board for songs, stories and messy play.

10am – 4pm, Saturday 5 October

High Street, next to the Steeple


No need to reserve a place. Just turn up on the day. Hop on board and meet the team on the Play, Talk, Read Bus.

Especially suitable for children from Nursery to P1.